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Term Paper on Sociology

A Compare and Contrast of the Working Woman and the "Stay at Home Mother".

This paper will discuss the comparison and contrast of working mothers and stay at home mothers in today's society. By understanding the benefits and doubts that are part of the modern sense of womanhood, we can see why there are good sides and bad sides to every coin. By understanding this facet of the modern woman, we can see why this debate is seeking to change how women play a role in society.

A Comparison of the Political Theories of Toennies and Durkheim in Modern Society.

Choosing this paper topic to pay someone to write my paper a writer will compare Toennies and Durheim with respect to what each implies or suggests as to the kind of politics possible today in complex modern societies. In doing so, a comparison of each man's analysis of the specific factors will determine the kind of politics each man takes to be possible. By analyzing these differing theories on politics in today's world, a well-balanced comparison can be achieved between these two men.

A Critical Response to the Representation of Marx in Ideology and the Development of Sociological Theory.

This paper will discuss Irving Zeitlin's work and his treatment of Marxist thought. It will be seen that the primary objective of the text is to "rehabilitate" Marxist theory from the "barnacles" of misconception that have been attached to it since its first appearance.

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A Critique of the Book Amazing Grace : Examining Poverty and Aggression.

This paper critiques the non- fiction book, Amazing Grace, by author Jonathan Kozol. Amazing Grace is focused on accurately depicting the lives of children and adults living in the South Bronx and in Harlem. This paper critiques these themes in respect to how Kozol suggests that juvenile delinquency in these communities is a way of life, rather than an ethical decision, based mainly on the conditions of poverty found therein.

A Discussion of the Phenomenon of Single-Mother Families in terms of Social Policy History and Modern Realities.

This paper according to the experts from buy essay  writing service will research the issue of single-mother families from both internal and external perspectives. Research into the internal dynamics of these social units will be situated in context with the function and deficits of such units within society as a while. The research claim to be investigated is that single-mother families are - in economic terms - harmful to both parent and children. In terms of quality of home environment in single-mother households, it will be seen that it is impossible to make general statements in this regard given the large number of variables that may be seen to affect the outcome.

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